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Android 系统强制禁用距离传感器技巧

发布时间:2021-11-20 14:07:46 所属栏目:教程 来源:互联网
导读:Android 系统强制禁用距离传感器方法,下面介绍的前两中办法是网络上流传的方法,只针对有些机型使用: 方法一: 通过修改系统文件实现,这就要求手机要已经root过。首先RE文件管理器(或ES文件管理器)进入根目录下/system文件夹,找到build.prop文件,将该

Android 系统强制禁用距离传感器方法,下面介绍的前两中办法是网络上流传的方法,只针对有些机型使用:
# try to disable proximity sensor in call by default
 # gsm.proximity.enable=false
# try to disable proximity sensor in call by default
如果文件中没有这两行代码,那么在文件最后手动加入一行,gsm.proximity.enable=false。修改完成后保存文件,并将文件的权限改回原来的状态(rw- r-- r--)。重启手机(需关闭“快速启动”),这时距离感应器已经被强制关闭了
自己的小米1+android 原生 4.1.2,亲测不可用。
OK people thanks to UksusoFF 's help and my own Linux background i was able to have my phone fixed and running. No more screen going offs & phone locks!!
 I see that many of you had asked for a step by step process on working with the command line for disabling the proximity censor right?:cool:
 Well here it goes folks , the complete step by step:
 1 - You have to be ROOT to complete this task so ROOT your phone (There are many links on google on HowTo ROOT your phone so do it!!!)
操作前提:手机必须root !
2- Open the Emulator on your phone.
打开手机上的终端模拟器(如果没有,去市场搜索下载安装,或者使用在cmd 终端 使用adb shell ,如果有电脑有配置adb环境的话)
3- Type suand make sure that$ sign changes to # meaning you are the ROOT User now and can make serious changes to your device's system.
输入 su ,获取管理员权限,此时应该会看到开头的 $ 符号变成了 # 号,说明成功获取超级用户(即管理员)权限。
4- Insert the following commands in the Emulator
# cd /data/local
 # touch userinit.sh
 # echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > userinit.sh
 # echo "#" >> userinit.sh
 # echo "chmod 0000 /dev/cm3602" >> userinit.sh
 # echo "chmod 000 /dev/cm3602" >> userinit.sh
 # chmod 777 userinit.sh
5- Now verify that the file exists
# cat userinit.sh
(You should see the information inserted above appearing).
6- Restart your phone
If you have done it right , your phone should be fine now. Starting now You will be in charge of turning on/off your screen instead of the proximity censor.
 Hope it works for ya:rolleyes:
去市场搜索下载安装 HardWare Disabler,安装后打开应用,能够看到自己手机的所有硬件驱动的代号和开关选项,找到 /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/isl29028 目录下的代号为0-0044的驱动,勾选disable之后就能够成功禁用距离感应器了。
由于前两种办法在这我手机上都not works,只能自己摸索出第三个办法,还是在不小心关错了一个重要的驱动差点导致重刷的教训之后,才最终得以实现。


