JRuby 1.3.0 RC1推出 加强对GAE支持
发布时间:2021-11-07 20:57:24 所属栏目:资讯 来源:互联网
导读:JRuby 1.3.0RC1 搞定了一些与 Google App Engine (GAE/J) 有关的 issue。我们决定发布一个更短的版本,这样子对 GAE/J 感兴趣的用户就不需要抓版本库构建一遍 JRuby 了。 译注:版本库里 10000 多个文件! JRuby 1.3.0RC1 is a release to fix some issues
JRuby 1.3.0RC1 搞定了一些与 Google App Engine (GAE/J) 有关的 issue。我们决定发布一个更“短”的版本,这样子对 GAE/J 感兴趣的用户就不需要抓版本库构建一遍 JRuby 了。 译注:版本库里 10000 多个文件! JRuby 1.3.0RC1 is a release to fix some issues which prevented JRuby from working with Google App Engine (GAE/J). We decided to put out a shorter release so that users interested in GAE/J could get going without needing to build JRuby from scratch. 亮点: ◆一些修改,使得 JRuby 在一些受限环境内(如 GAE/J)跑得更顺 ◆访问 Java 原生数组大约快 10 倍 ◆timeout.rb 现在快了约 40% [ 译注:这话说的…… 难不成指定 10 秒你当 6 秒? ] ◆irb 现在工作在 1.9 模式了;另外也有一些杂七杂八的 1.9 相关的修正 ◆集成 rubygems 和 rspec 分别升级到 1.3.2 和 1.2.6 ◆修了 1.2.0 以来的 22 个 bug 完成的 Issue 小结: JRUBY-3566 bug in multiplication JRUBY-1401 Pathname#realpath fails for Windows drive letters JRUBY-3490 Object#instance_exec only works with blocks of 3 parameters or less?! JRUBY-3423 When using ActiveSupport, YAML dump/load of 3.0 returns YAML::PrivateType JRUBY-3517 Incorrect self in a multiple assignment JRUBY-3514 RUBY_PATCHLEVEL should be a Fixnum instead of String JRUBY-3533 YAML.load fails on Base64 encoded binary data created by yaml "Length of Base64 encoded input string is not a multiple of 4." JRUBY-3516 Non-thread safe regex backrefs JRUBY-2289 File.directory? returns false for directories inside a jar JRUBY-3551 ConcurrentModificationException in RubyClass.invalidateCacheDescendants() JRUBY-3564 UDPSocket#bind should interpret the empty string as INADDR_ANY, not loopback JRUBY-3563 getsockname and getpeername should return a struct sockaddr JRUBY-3511 1.2.0: jruby --1.9 picks up the wrong path for loading modules JRUBY-3166 Primitive type not being boxed when implementing a Java interface. JRUBY-3568 Threads don't appear to inherit the thread group of their creating thread JRUBY-3599 loop does not rescue StopIteration in --1.9 JRUBY-3610 StringIO#read given a buffer raises ArrayIndex error JRUBY-3488 trap does not handle string as second argument JRUBY-3481 JRuby test: test_command_line_switches.rb fails on Oracle JRockit JVM JRUBY-3537 FFI: initialize() is not called for Struct and ManagedStruct instances JRUBY-3565 TCPServer should bind to INADDR_ANY given empty string as hostname (编辑:开发网_开封站长网) 【声明】本站内容均来自网络,其相关言论仅代表作者个人观点,不代表本站立场。若无意侵犯到您的权利,请及时与联系站长删除相关内容! |